Welcome to our brand new blog page. This is going to be the place where we will list photos, tips, case studies and everything else we decide will be a good read for you.
We have recently done a few grandiose crown thinning jobs. Two beautiful oak trees were meant to have their branches cut and the crown shaped into a beautiful and majestic look. Not only did we carry out the tree services, we actually made the homeowner a very proud person. He loved our work and his beautiful oaks looked magnificent.
This is the best job satisfaction I have ever felt. To see the joy and pride in the eyes of the client once we finished cutting and thinning is worth a lot more than any monetary payment.
So onto the next week we go, hoping to bring back some media evidence of our work.
Meanwhile the video above is a great example that can show you how to trim your own hedge. Be careful though, not having professional hedge trimming experience like ours is a big disadvantage although not rocket science. Just make sure all machinery is safe and not working when you are cleaning it 😉